What is an Orthodontist?
The orthodontist is a dentist who specializes in dental treatments and proceedures to straighten your teeth, such as: braces, and to correct an array of other teeth irregularities. Although most vancouver dentists offer a full range of dental services, the orthodontists is a specialist that focuses on: diagnosis, prevention & treatment of dental irregularities.
When Should my Child Consider Braces?
It’s recommended by the Canadian Dental Association that all children receive their first orthodontic consultation at ages 6-8 when they have a mix of baby & adult teeth. Early examination permits your Vancouver orthodontist to offer guidance with advice for treatment options, pros & cons, to make an informed decision.
Why Should a Person Get Braces?
You may consider braces if you have one or more of the following:
- Teeth which are uneven or irregularly shaped
- Open bite or underbite or crossbite
- Narrow tooth arches.
- Protruding jaw
- Teeth with gaps
- Crowded or overlapped teeth
- Receding jaw
Contact Simply Dental for Orthodontics – Braces
If you are interested in improving your smile and learn more about the benefits of Dental Orthodontics – Braces, give our office a call at 604-684-1742 to schedule an appointment. We look forward to ensuring your dental health and improving your smile!